We want to spread the word about your business!
Mothertime Marketplace, WNY’s Largest Kid Consignment Sale, is the largest of it’s kind in all of Western New York! Our target customer is a family with children between the ages of 0-18. If you are a family friendly business we would love for you to consider advertising with us!
If your business features one of the following, we are a great fit:
Mom and baby brands
Cooking, crafting and home decor
Fashion and jewelry
Education and awareness
Information for expecting parents
Community clubs and organization
8x8 Space at our event on Saturday to promote to our shoppers in person. You must provide your table and chair.
Your promotional items are handed out at our registers. ($30 value)
2 posts and 2 stories on our social media accounts leading up to the sale ($90 value)
A featured post about your business on our social media. ($50 value)
Sponsorship of one email to our mailing list. (over 8,000 subscribers) ($30 value)
Sponsorhip Package: $250
Hang Your Banner On Our Wall During The Event: $75
Bring a banner to advertise your business and we will hang it on the wall inside the event for Tuesday-Saturday. Banners must be picked up on Sunday by 1pm.
$30.00 = Your business name, logo, website link, 50 word description, and promotional offer or coupon added to our digital newsletter. (over 8000 subscribers
Newsletter Sponsorship: $30
If you are a WNY Influencer or a mom who loves to post on social media we may want to partner with you. Please email us for details: mothertime@mothertimemarketplace.com or DM us on Instagram @mothertimemarketplace
WNY Moms & Influencers
If you have a brick-and-mortar business in Western New York we may want to partner with you. We offer our PP's free pre-sale passes in exchange for our flyers in your business.! Contact us to connect.